Under Pressure
Buckle up for the ultimate team building
challenge! Imagine balancing on a beam,
trusting your team to hold steady; or separating
a chaotic mix of coloured balls in two containers.
Feeling the pressure yet?
Under Pressure is one of our most popular
indoor events, where players work in teams in
nail-biting tasks to win the all-important points.
There will be practice rounds and head-to-head
challenges with a limited number of lives per
team. Example rounds include:
POISE – 4 team players balance on one foot on
a beam for 20 seconds without falling.
BLOC – 2 players are pitted against a tower of
blocks. One-handed, they must copy the tower
in the allotted time to win the challenge.
• Game show host
• Range of tasks & games
• Props & equipment
• Main game arena