CSI Experience
Have you ever wondered what it’s truly like to be
a crime scene investigator? Have you wondered
how crimes and murders are actually solved?
Here’s your chance! There’s been a murder and
we need your help to find the killer!
First, you’re going to need to learn a few skills…
Visit the crime scene and study the evidence!
Read up on all the suspects! Take fingerprints
and recognise different pattern types! Create a
digital FBI-style photo that fits purely from a
verbal description! Compare a variety of hair and
fibres under the microscope! Analyse blood
spatters and lots more.
Your team, supplied with white bodysuits and
surgical gloves, will need to work closely
together, applying these skills and investigating
the clues, using the evidence in front of you to
work out who murdered our unfortunate victim…
before the other teams beat you to it!
• Forensic instructors
• Specialist forensic equipment
• Themed crime scene
• Forensic suit & gloves