You are about to create something spectacular!
But in order to do so, you will need pencils,
paints, brushes, and canvasses, and these
come at a cost… points!
To earn these valuable points, you will need to
complete some physical, creative, sporting, and
brain teaser challenges. Split your team up so
that individuals can utilise their skills to best
effect and earn you maximum points, then off
you go to the art shop to collect your goodies!
Once back at your team tables, you’ll need to
work together to recreate a selection of pictures
onto your canvasses. But you’ll also need to
collaborate with other teams who are painting
different parts of the ‘big picture’, so that
yours align with theirs and the colours match!
Masterpiece is the perfect event to encourage
collaboration and communication with the added
creative element.
• Experienced event team
• Protective overalls & gloves
• Art supplies and equipment
• Range of tasks & games for everyone